Monday, 6 December 2010


Lucas and the other man sat on the side of a swimming pool, their legs dipping into the cool water. Neither of them had yet looked down, but what was reflected on its surface was not two but one person. That person resembled Lucas more than it did the other man, but it was definitely not devoid of either of their presences.

They sat quietly, staring straight ahead, not thinking of anything. The moment was not yet right to break the much needed silence.

When it was eventually ruptured, it was done so by the sound of tiny toes tapping on ceramic tile. These sounds were being made by a large group of children who were running along the other side of the pools perimeter. A woman was following them, shouting for them to stop moving so quickly for fear they might hurt themselves.

She was their teacher; they were a class of 8 year old students.

The group marched on, barely able to contain themselves from sprinting towards the inviting water. Within minutes they were all in the shallow end.

But one boy stayed behind. He was standing alone still wearing his light blue t shirt. The teacher called for him to take it off and join them but he refused. The little boy ran off, quietly sobbing as the others chanted a mocking song in unison.

“I didn’t want to take off my t-shirt” Lucas said to the other man

He was feeling calmer, so was the other man. They didn’t know why, but for the time being they were happy to sit and watch.

Nothing of significance happened after that. The children carried on, the young boy did not return to join his classmates.

“My mother had to pick me up, she told me it was nothing to be ashamed of.” Lucas said to the other man

The other man suddenly felt uncomfortable again, his vision blurring, the events before him losing focus.

“We’re here to remember, aren’t we?” He asked Lucas

“Yes” replied Lucas


  1. now you´re just teasing, we need more!!!!!

  2. I am catching up now!
    Feels like we are getting somewhere, how long to go?

  3. Right, I know from Harry that they are not twins separated. Good, I would not ave liked that. Have you looked into the Hindu afterlife at all, is that relevant or am I off track? Peace
